A Novel Approach to Analysis of In-Service Lubricants for Particle Size/Count and Metal Content | PerkinElmer

Application Note

A Novel Approach to Analysis of In-Service Lubricants for Particle Size/Count and Metal Content

LPC 500 liquid particle counter for analysis of in-service lubricants


Particle counting is becoming a more routine tool for lubricant condition monitoring and maintenance programs to better identify particles of certain sizes and concentrations that can contribute to machine failure. In-service oils and other lubricants are monitored for particle size similarly to how they are monitored for elemental concentration. An increase in the ISO code (ISO 4406) for particle count or concentration of key wear metals indicates when maintenance is required.

By adding the LPC 500 liquid particle counter in-line with the Avio® 550 Max ICP-OES Oils system, lubricant samples can be analyzed for both wear metals and particles all in one run with results repeatably within one ISO code for the >4, >6 µm sizes for transmission and gear oil. Throughput of 45 seconds on average per sample with less than 1 mL is achieved for both ICP as well as particle counting and sizing, all with the smallest automated particle counting system in the lubricants testing industry.

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